Why register your design?
Design Protection Specialist Maite says:
“By registering your design, you protect the investments that you have made to develop your original design”
Design protection provides protection solely for the appearance of your product. Therefore, you get protection for how the design looks, such as a product or a pattern. The reason you should register your design is because it allows you to protect the investments that you have made to develop your original design. After this, it is you who decides how your design registration is to be used and by whom. Registering your design is a simple way to retain the exclusive rights to the designs that you create.
But surely no one else will register my design?
It is unlikely that someone else will register your specific design. However, it is common that someone else might register a design that is similar to your design, without having prior knowledge of your design. This can put an end to both the registration and usage of your design. Therefore, by registering your design, you avoid potential problems and ensure that you have protection and exclusive rights to the investments you make to develop your original design.
Where can I protect my design?
It is possible to obtain different types of design protection. The different protections provide your design with a large scope of protection. Examples of different protection areas include;
- National design protection in Sweden.
- Registered or unregistered design protection in the EU.
- International design protection through WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).
- Separate design protection abroad.
How do I register my design
We help you to register your design. We ensure that you register your design in the necessary countries and that the registration covers your design’s use. If you choose us to register your design, you can be assured that it will be done right first time and that you will avoid many pitfalls and extra expenses.
We help you to register your design!
Consult us before you register your design.